No more, Mummy

No more song.

That’s enough of that thanks, Mummy

We were at swimming lessons this morning and I was bouncing around the pool with Monkey singing la la la la la to the tune of one of our lesson songs when Monkey said to me “No more song”. Just like that. Don’t you sing one more word there pretty lady.

Oooooook then. Thanks kiddo. Continue reading

Things I love about parenting

Tomorrow is another day. But today, today I love it.

Tomorrow is another day. But today, today I love it.

I spend a lot of time talking about the weird things about parenting or the things that I don’t like about parenting. Not because I am a total whiner but because they are the things that are interesting to me. They make me laugh and, most of all, they offered me the most support when I was struggling as a new mum. Those blogs where people actually talked about the crap stuff made me realise I was normal and just like everyone else. That parenting was hard for many, not few.

Posts like that are a dime a dozen though right. Hell, I’ve even done one. Remember the 10 things I wasn’t prepared for as a parent? That’s one of those. So today I thought I’d do something different. Continue reading

The Beautiful Mama Blog Award

You're a beautiful mama!

You’re a beautiful mama!

This weekend I am spring cleaning my online activity so that means my blog too. Fitting really as it feels like spring might actually be upon us regardless of the fact that technically there is still one month of winter to go. This is one thing I adore about my location on the coast; winter here is not a long one. This spring cleaning also means I am going to get up to date with all my awards posts so sorry about that but there are a few coming.

I still love awards even if I am a bit crap at doing the homework so I make this vow to you all right here, right now, that from this day forward I will respond to all awards promptly. And promptly means within a few days of receiving them, at worst, one week.

Today’s award comes from Continue reading

Conversations with my toddler

damn straight

damn straight

Life in our household is in a constant state of negotiation at the moment. It is driving me crazy Miss Daisy. Absolutely batshit crazy.

I love nothing more than the sound of my own voice so luckily, I seem to have many opportunities to use it. Oh and speaking of speaking, I love saying the same thing over and over and over too. That is so much fun! The bomb.

People say they get bored with staying home with babies as it’s all goo goo gaa gaa and no real conversation. Man that stuff is CUTE! Be grateful they can’t talk back and mostly seem to like you.  I’d take that any day over the need to offer repeated enticements to carry out the most basic of tasks.

Let me show you what I mean.   Continue reading

When things don’t go to plan

caught in the rainIf you had told me it would have completely pissed down with rain this morning while I was out on my walk then I probably wouldn’t have gone. I especially wouldn’t have been keen if you had told me that Master S would have a massive tanty about having the rain cover over the pram and kick and scream to get it off and get completely saturated. A soaking wet 21 month old who already has a bit of a cough simply was not in my plan. But plan or not this was exactly our morning.  Me and my kid soaking wet in the rain (with friends – they were wet too but had more compliant children who stayed dry).

But guess what else wasn’t in my plan? Continue reading

Sorry but I just didn’t enjoy breastfeeding…

There. I said it. It’s out there. I didn’t enjoy breastfeeding.  You can all think I’m a big meany with a heart of stone now. I feel bad for being so ungrateful about it too as truth be told it came to me pretty easily. My milk was a bit slow coming in so there were a few days there where I was sitting in my pressure stockings and knickers with a double pump on (oh so glamorous) and that wasn’t much fun.  I’d do that for half the day, trying to tempt the milk to burst forth out of my rock hard boobies like it was supposed to and get about half a centimetre of milk dribble in the cup. That was a tad disheartening I will admit. I’d look at that cup and think how am I supposed to sustain a life on a dribble of milk? But we got there in the end.  Continue reading

Single parenting and the modern woman

I have been pondering on this post for ages trying to figure how the hell to articulate my feelings appropriately. Then I decide to hell with appropriateness, how about I just say how I feel.

You see my problem is that I have felt a lot of shame about being a single parent. Dumb I know. What is even dumber is that I don’t judge anyone else if they are a single parent so why am I so harsh with myself?  I think it is because pregnancy is a time in your life where you start to review your values and figure exactly who you are and what sort of parent you will be. For me, it made me realise that I had held this little dream in my heart of one day meeting the man of my dreams and having a family with him. So when my time came to be at the growing a baby part and I didn’t have the dream family unit I kinda freaked out. I tried very hard to make my relationship with the baby daddy more than it was but it was a fabrication of epic proportions driven by my desire to not be outside the box on this one.  It was a hard sell too as pretty much everyone knew this guy was relatively new in my life.  One moment I am talking about blind dating and the next minute it’s all hey you know about me and Bob right, well we are having this baby. Happy days.  We are SO happy Yes it is just fabulous. Continue reading

Inspiration Strikes

Well I don’t know about you but I need to be pretty inspired to sit down and write something.  If life is just chugging along at an even pace without many highs or lows I find it hard to hook my brain onto something. I need DRAMA which doesn’t actually sound that healthy but anyway…  Every now and then though I get in the zone and I decide to have a crack at it. Today was clearly one of those days. I got SO serious I started this blog AND even registered my own domain name. I thought the $26 it cost me ($18 to register and another $8 to make it private in case anyone was wondering) might help me to commit to the cause. You see I’ve started blogs before and after a few posts it always peters off into absolutely nothing. Well it hardly peters off. It pretty much just stops. The thing that inspired me today was that I stumbled over some dude’s blog about his life and I kid you not it was BORING. He had no flair for writing AT ALL.  I guess his family and friends might be interested in the content to keep up with what is going on in his life but geez dude, I don’t know. That’s what facebook is for and then you don’t have to write much! He might even be interesting in one sentence and a few photos.
Continue reading