To routine or not to routine? What we did with our baby.

Rachel sleep sleep

Click on me and I’ll zoom you on over to my story.

So you’ve clawed your way through the first few months of parenting. Congratulations! You deserve a big pat on the back and a large glass of wine. Except you don’t feel like you do.

You think it should be getting easier but it’s not. Baby sleeps less in the day and wakes up more at night and you think maybe it’s time you checked into the crazy house as you aren’t sure what the hell is going on. Why isn’t it working?

That’s about where I was at when Monkey was 4 months old. And it went on like that for almost another 2 months before I made some changes. I’ve written our full story as a guest post for You and Baby so head on over and check it out.

It’s a good read. I promise. And it may even help you!

Pssssst if you click on the cute baby pic (yes that’s my monkey) he’ll shoot you right on over there.



Knowing when to put yourself in time out

Life is busy. Hell, sometimes mine feels crazy. These last few weeks I’ve taken on another blogging job plus started trying to blog regularly here, as well as my usual routine oftime out study, another blogging job and admin work from home. And I try to cram all of this into just two days per week when my son is at daycare and scraps of time here and there when he is sleeping. Oh and did I mention I also try to get to the gym on those two days and do the housework. Then the rest of the time I’m trying to do my best as a single mum. Needless to say, some weeks it just gets crazy. Now I don’t pretend that my life is any crazier than anyone else’s. Some people will be busier than me, some people will be less busy than me, but most people feel the pressure of a busy life one way or another so most of you know what I’m talking about.  This post is about a tactic I have started to use to deal with the stresses of life…knowing when to take time out. It’s my way to stop the crazy. Believe me, it works. I know you think you don’t have time but you don’t need much. You really don’t. And if you have a meltdown instead because you didn’t opt to take time out then I guarantee you it will take more time out of your life than what I’m suggesting. Meltdowns are like the ball rolling down the hill: it only gathers momentum.  Continue reading