Conversations with my toddler

damn straight

damn straight

Life in our household is in a constant state of negotiation at the moment. It is driving me crazy Miss Daisy. Absolutely batshit crazy.

I love nothing more than the sound of my own voice so luckily, I seem to have many opportunities to use it. Oh and speaking of speaking, I love saying the same thing over and over and over too. That is so much fun! The bomb.

People say they get bored with staying home with babies as it’s all goo goo gaa gaa and no real conversation. Man that stuff is CUTE! Be grateful they can’t talk back and mostly seem to like you.  I’d take that any day over the need to offer repeated enticements to carry out the most basic of tasks.

Let me show you what I mean.   Continue reading

When things don’t go to plan

caught in the rainIf you had told me it would have completely pissed down with rain this morning while I was out on my walk then I probably wouldn’t have gone. I especially wouldn’t have been keen if you had told me that Master S would have a massive tanty about having the rain cover over the pram and kick and scream to get it off and get completely saturated. A soaking wet 21 month old who already has a bit of a cough simply was not in my plan. But plan or not this was exactly our morning.  Me and my kid soaking wet in the rain (with friends – they were wet too but had more compliant children who stayed dry).

But guess what else wasn’t in my plan? Continue reading

The unconditional love of a parent

In this talk, Love, no matter what,  Andrew Solomon looks at the unconditional love of a parent; particularly in situations where the child is different in some way to what is considered to be the norm. His research is absolutely fascinating and examines the topic as it applies to autism, dwarfism, homosexuality, downs syndrome and even the extreme of your child as a murderer and that’s just for starters. It also highlights the crossroads that we are at now with our potential to eliminate Continue reading

Going dairy free with your child

If you click on this pic it will zoom you over to the full post at You & Baby

If you click on this pic it will zoom you over to the full post at You & Baby

Eliminating a major element of your child’s diet can seem pretty full on when it’s happening, especially if you’ve never been down the food elimination path before. It’s particularly frightening if the thing that you’re eliminating is life threatening for your child. Fortunately that wasn’t the case for us. We were just dealing with a “suggested” intolerance and to be honest it felt like more a pain in the rear end than anything else at the time.

Coming up with great treats that your kid likes can be pretty tricky and we’d just settled on a bunch of great finger food options (as dear child was refusing to be fed at the time) that included cheese. And let’s face it, dairy features pretty heavily in most kiddie diets. Yoghurt and cheese sticks are a parent’s best friend. Anyway clearly I wasn’t entirely convinced that dairy was the source of our problems when it was all happening but I’m happy to admit that I was wrong.  Yes. I. Was. Wrong. Doing a thorough elimination (which is more than cutting out milk, cheese and butter I’m afraid) helped us so much that we are still dairy free now.

If you want to know more about our story and see some tips on how to make the transition smoothly then check out my guest blog over at You and Baby. Yes I’m guest blogging now! Isn’t that exciting?!  You and Baby have put together a great little blogging team and they are getting their skates on as we speak.  It will be a great resource for all parents and parents-to-be so head on over and check it out. And if you are interested in the dairy free stuff then keep an eye out as I’m going to do some posts with some of our favourite recipes and also some yummy and filling snack ideas to help you out.

Hope you’ve all had a splendid weekend wherever you are!

Mummy Flying Solo x