The practicalities of not having a daddy around

So it has been ages since I’ve posted on this site. I ended up being swept off my feet by a big love from my past and all spare time and inspiration for this site seemed to fly right out the window. I ended that relationship after only a short time though and while that is unfortunate it has given me a lot of fodder for this blog!  Navigating the dating world as a single parent is a bit of a minefield.  There’s a lot to consider like whether or not they should meet children and what your ex thinks about that etc. I won’t go into all that now as there is another post right there but needless to say I’m back at the writing again.  For today I’ve got something a bit more fun to write about.  The COZY COUPE!

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Single parenting and the modern woman

I have been pondering on this post for ages trying to figure how the hell to articulate my feelings appropriately. Then I decide to hell with appropriateness, how about I just say how I feel.

You see my problem is that I have felt a lot of shame about being a single parent. Dumb I know. What is even dumber is that I don’t judge anyone else if they are a single parent so why am I so harsh with myself?  I think it is because pregnancy is a time in your life where you start to review your values and figure exactly who you are and what sort of parent you will be. For me, it made me realise that I had held this little dream in my heart of one day meeting the man of my dreams and having a family with him. So when my time came to be at the growing a baby part and I didn’t have the dream family unit I kinda freaked out. I tried very hard to make my relationship with the baby daddy more than it was but it was a fabrication of epic proportions driven by my desire to not be outside the box on this one.  It was a hard sell too as pretty much everyone knew this guy was relatively new in my life.  One moment I am talking about blind dating and the next minute it’s all hey you know about me and Bob right, well we are having this baby. Happy days.  We are SO happy Yes it is just fabulous. Continue reading