What we are teaching our children by worshipping Elsa

Oh look. I’ve come out of hiatus to bitch about Frozen. Let it go, bitches. Let it go!

Recently I had the joy of sitting down and watching Frozen all the way through. I still don’t get the song (sorry but I really don’t like it) but I did enjoy the film. What a little hero Anna is!

Yes, Anna.

For some reason as she is the plainer, less magical sister wearing a sensible shawl the entire film she seems to take a back seat to the all powerful Queen Elsa and to put it bluntly, this pisses me off.

cast photo frozen

Look at Elsa all front and centre like she is the STAR

What are we doing by encouraging this? Continue reading

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that and a whole lotta LOVE

When I was composing this post in my head yesterday I had a big excited bragfest going on (and ahem, YES I “compose”). I was going to tell you aaaaall about how out of the 7 possible days to exercise this week I actually nailed the full 7 AND that I did my first 25 min straight run today.

But oh how things change ever so quickly. Continue reading

Things I love about parenting

Tomorrow is another day. But today, today I love it.

Tomorrow is another day. But today, today I love it.

I spend a lot of time talking about the weird things about parenting or the things that I don’t like about parenting. Not because I am a total whiner but because they are the things that are interesting to me. They make me laugh and, most of all, they offered me the most support when I was struggling as a new mum. Those blogs where people actually talked about the crap stuff made me realise I was normal and just like everyone else. That parenting was hard for many, not few.

Posts like that are a dime a dozen though right. Hell, I’ve even done one. Remember the 10 things I wasn’t prepared for as a parent? That’s one of those. So today I thought I’d do something different. Continue reading

When things don’t go to plan

caught in the rainIf you had told me it would have completely pissed down with rain this morning while I was out on my walk then I probably wouldn’t have gone. I especially wouldn’t have been keen if you had told me that Master S would have a massive tanty about having the rain cover over the pram and kick and scream to get it off and get completely saturated. A soaking wet 21 month old who already has a bit of a cough simply was not in my plan. But plan or not this was exactly our morning.  Me and my kid soaking wet in the rain (with friends – they were wet too but had more compliant children who stayed dry).

But guess what else wasn’t in my plan? Continue reading

The unconditional love of a parent

In this talk, Love, no matter what,  Andrew Solomon looks at the unconditional love of a parent; particularly in situations where the child is different in some way to what is considered to be the norm. His research is absolutely fascinating and examines the topic as it applies to autism, dwarfism, homosexuality, downs syndrome and even the extreme of your child as a murderer and that’s just for starters. It also highlights the crossroads that we are at now with our potential to eliminate Continue reading

This is what all the fuss is about…

Have you ever wondered what the big deal is about gay marriage? Why it is so desperately important to some people?  I have always been agreeable to gay marriage but more from the “well if that’s what will make them happy”corner.  I haven’t wondered what the fuss is about, I can see how it would be important to some people, but it really didn’t bother me either way. Ask me to vote for it and I’ll say yes but I’m not about to go on a protest march.  Clearly my life hasn’t been severely impacted by the decision NOT to legalise it.

Well the good folks at Mamamia have once again done a stellar job of bring a serious issue to everyone’s attention and now I am enraged. I have moved from an agreeable bystander to one that would happily go on a protest march. And now I’m bringing it to your attention and hopefully you will bring it to someone else’s attention.  You can look at the Mamamia entry here or just watch the video I insert below. I can ensure you that it is worth the 10 mins of your time.

This man is so brave and courageous to share this story. This is why same sex marriage is important. Even those of you who don’t agree with it for ideological reasons should be able to separate that from this discussion and deal with the facts presented here and agree, this guy had rights. All people in same sex relationships have rights. Who are we to strip these people of the respect and dignity afforded the rest of society in this sort of situation?  Continue reading