If this is having it all then it blows.

This week has been nothing short of batshit crazy.  In preparation for a prenancy/baby/children’s expo next weekend I have been working overtime to get things done with the new business so that they are up to scratch and ready. I have easily worked a standard full time week and I’ve done it in between looking after a sick child at home for 2 days and the standard weekly crap in our always busy schedule. Continue reading

Is it right for us to force gender stereotypes onto our children?

Recently I had an interesting conversation with my brother and his wife about a little boy and a dress.  This little boy was the son of friends of theirs and apparently he loooooves dresses. So wonderful parents bought him a dress and all was good with the world.

Then, the little boy grew out of his dress and he really wanted another one. He loved that dress so hard he just didn’t want to imagine life without it. So in the end his, parents, being awesome, bought him another dress. Then they posted a photo of him, in said dress, on Facey and gave a little run down of the story.  Continue reading

Apparently many women have never seen their vaginas.

Yes, I just used the word vagina in the title of my post. As far as words for genitals go I have always found it lacking somewhat but the thing is, that’s the word. I happily say penis to my son so I am just going to have to get over the word vagina.

woman underwear ankles

Stole this shamelessly from a blog post about vagina odour. Yeah. I know. It was the best option.

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