Why I like the 50 Shades of Grey series

50 shades booksLet me start this by saying how much I love books. I read them, lots of them. I belong to a Bookclub and I read literature and shit. I do philosophy and love a good long convo solving the problems of the world when the mood strikes me. In short: I’m no dummy.

Liking these books does not make me a dummy. And creating something that’s an easy read doesn’t make the writer a dummy. In fact, this woman is far from a dummy. She’s probably made more money out of these trashy little reads than some of those dudes over there rolling out their literature so credit where credit is due I say.

For what it’s worth, even though I might get hate mail for it, here are the reasons why I like the 50 Shades books Continue reading

Here’s what happens when you ask a 2 year old “What do YOU say?”

Monkey’s Granny recently sent him a bunch of really awesome books. One of my new favs is Moo Baa La la la which is essentially an animal sound book but it’s done in a really fun way.

Moo Baa La (1)

The book ends with a simple enough question:

Moo Baa La (2)This is how it went down at our house:

Mummy: It’s quiet now. What do YOU say, Monkey?

Monkey:  Farkings sake

#OS Blog – Old School Blog

So the rockin’ chick of awesomeness over at How To Ruin A Toddlers Day assigned me some homework this week.

Well she didn’t call it that. She called it linking up to the Old School Blogging party but that is code for homework. Kidding. It’s fun fun fun and reminds me of those old emails you used to send around to your friends answering quetsions about yourself. Quite self involved really but no one every seemed to care about that.

So this is the crazy five edition which means there are 5 questions in each category. At the end you  link up to Elaine, of the Miss Elaine-ous Life who originated the idea. So you go to her page and follow the instructions. Cool hey! This one is for the month of July so I better get my skates on.

5 Things I’m passionate about: Continue reading