I’m a little ray of sunshine with a SUNSHINE AWARD

Well would you look at that. I got an award. And not just any award but an award for being inspirational. How awesome is that?

I’ve been pretty shit at doing the award thing the last few months so if you are reading this and thinking “But you didn’t accept mine” please, don’t be offended. It’s a time thing and today, I happen to have it.

Here is my pretty trophy:

The award pic

Ta da!

It’s a gorgeous one that one.

To accept I must do the following:

1. Pass it on to 10 other inspiring bloggers

2. Tell you 11 facts about me, because you don’t know the ins and outs of my business already anyway

Here, my friends, are the FACTS.

Continue reading

Thank you for the award love folks!

An award for you!

An award for you!

I don’t know what the protocol is for receiving repeat awards in a short space of time. Do you? I think somewhere along the line here I’ve actually given the award to someone, who has passed it on to someone else and then given it back to me!!! I love ALL awards but I also think at some point if I accept them and pass them on again in the cycle then I’m probably just being greedy. 

SO I want to say a massive thank you to The Urban Paleo Chef and Mummyshymz for both nominating me for the Leibster Award in this past week. You guys rock and I love that you love my blog. I also love your blogs so it’s a nice little mutual admiration society we have going on here.  I’m going to answer the 11 questions from both of you after I say another thank you below.

My next thank you goes to one of my very favourite blogs So Many Right Ways. Continue reading

The Beautiful Mama Blog Award

You're a beautiful mama!

You’re a beautiful mama!

This weekend I am spring cleaning my online activity so that means my blog too. Fitting really as it feels like spring might actually be upon us regardless of the fact that technically there is still one month of winter to go. This is one thing I adore about my location on the coast; winter here is not a long one. This spring cleaning also means I am going to get up to date with all my awards posts so sorry about that but there are a few coming.

I still love awards even if I am a bit crap at doing the homework so I make this vow to you all right here, right now, that from this day forward I will respond to all awards promptly. And promptly means within a few days of receiving them, at worst, one week.

Today’s award comes from Continue reading

Bouquet of three award

<visualise cheerleaders and pom poms; clapping and screaming>Go me! Go me! Go me! Wooohooo! Another dang award.

In case you were wondering I STILL love the suckers even if there is work involved in divvying them out. I don’t care. I can spare however many minutes of my time to be grateful as that’s what I am. Grateful that someone is reading my blog and has it in their top 10. Talk about awesome.

So let’s see what we have with this one! Continue reading

“Shine On” Award

shineon1How gorgeous is this?! I’ve been nominated by one of my followers, the lovely Terry over at Bullying Prevention, for a “Shine On” Award.  I haven’t been blogging regularly for long so it’s very touching to feel I’ve been noticed by someone in that short time. Thank you Terry. You made my day!

What a fabulous little idea from the blogging community. There are rules of course and they are as follows:

1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link person who nominated you for the award.
4. State seven things about yourself.

Note: If you nominate others to receive the award don’t forget to pop over to their site and let them know!

So I’ve done rules 1 to 3 so that just leaves me with rule 4: state seven things about myself. I looked at another blog and the seven things they posted were all their blogging stats for the day, month, year etc which kind of seems like cheating to me. The rules is 7 things about you, not your blog 😉  I’ll try to be a bit more personal.

1. My favourite homecooked meal of all time is Spaghetti Bolognese.

2. My new favourite TV show is Scandal.

3. I have been so busy this week and doing so many things at once that from time to time I have felt like a train that might derail. I didn’t though (yet). Tomorrow is Friday and I’ve almost made it.

4. I used to be a grammar nazi. I still prefer reasonable grammar but I won’t judge you if you don’t do it well (and sometimes I’ll stuff it up too!).

5. At the moment I am really sick of dating.

6. I wish winter was over already and it hasn’t even officially started.

7. I am really enjoying writing my blog regularly.

I don’t think I *have* to nominate anyone else for the award but there are a couple of blogs that I’ve started following that I’m really enjoying so I’m going to nominate them for the “Shine On” Award.  Interestingly, they are also parenting blogs. They are:

1. Mum to Lachlan

2. Jogging Dad

Hope you’ve all had a great week. It’s Friday tomorrow. Hooray!