Cloth or disposable? I did a little review as a 100% disposable user…

I have been a disposable mama all the way with Monkey. I toyed with the idea of cloth but toying was as far as I got. I was always completely scared off by the idea of leaking non absorbent nappies and sooooo much washing.

After talking with cloth users I’ve since started to think that maybe I was wrong so I decided to do some research. I’ve put together a little pros and cons type table to compare the two options. If you are deliberating between the two options then I’m sure you will find it very useful. I’m just so tempted by little bottoms like this one shown off by my cute friend J’s little girl below. If you want to check out the results of my highly scientific study just click on her pic and it will zoom you on over to my post at the You and Baby blog.

I'm soooo tempted to do cloth by these cute little covers!

I’m soooo tempted to do cloth by these cute little covers!

To routine or not to routine? What we did with our baby.

Rachel sleep sleep

Click on me and I’ll zoom you on over to my story.

So you’ve clawed your way through the first few months of parenting. Congratulations! You deserve a big pat on the back and a large glass of wine. Except you don’t feel like you do.

You think it should be getting easier but it’s not. Baby sleeps less in the day and wakes up more at night and you think maybe it’s time you checked into the crazy house as you aren’t sure what the hell is going on. Why isn’t it working?

That’s about where I was at when Monkey was 4 months old. And it went on like that for almost another 2 months before I made some changes. I’ve written our full story as a guest post for You and Baby so head on over and check it out.

It’s a good read. I promise. And it may even help you!

Pssssst if you click on the cute baby pic (yes that’s my monkey) he’ll shoot you right on over there.



Snacks without dairy your kids will love

Hey I’m back with more dairy free goodies to make your day. Woooot!  I wish I’d found something like this when Monkey was young. It would have made things soooooo much easier.  This is another of those blogs I’ve posted over at You & Baby. I’ve posted a bunch of our favourite recipes  and also some store bought dairy free snack ideas. Enjoy!

Just click on the (laughable) pic below to zoom you direct to the blog. And yes, I created this myself in paint. Laugh away. I know I’m no graphic designer…don’t even show hints of talent.

no dairy please mummy

Two easy toddler activities. No crafting degree required!

I am no creative crafting genius.  I suck at that stuff. I know I’m going to have to learn to be better as monkey gets older but anyway, for the moment I still suck at it. It turns out it doesn’t matter so much. I think I was over-complicating things.  Little kiddies have still growing minds remember so they can be occupied by the smallest of things (no disrespect to your genius child of course). I finally got the message one day when I picked my son up from daycare and they had pictures of them all playing with different pasta shapes. They had this write up about how it was a great sensory exercise and that the kids enjoyed it for ages blah blah blah and it just kinda clicked in my head all of a sudden: I can do that sort of stuff too. And all the tools I need are in my cupboard and don’t require some complicated activity preparation. Woah. That’s a wee bit awesome. Continue reading